Knife Blade Shapes
Each Knife has its purpose. Some are more versatile than others.
Here are the most common knife blade shapes

Paring Knife
Fruit peeling, cutting and decorations

Paring Knife
Fruit peeling, cutting and decorations

Flat Cut Paring Knife
Small fruit and vegetables mincing and dicing

Utility Knife
Versatile. Precision cutting of small meat cuts, fruits and vegetables

Steak Knife
Table use. Steak and other meat cuts

Utility Knife
Versatile. Precision cutting of small meat cuts, fruits and vegetables

Boning Knife
Meat, bone and rind peeling

Santoku Knife
Versatile and precise. Vegetables, fish and meat mincing, cutting and dicing

Nakiri Knife
Specialty knife. Fast and precise cutting, mincing and dicing vegetables and fruit

Chef Knife
Versatile and strong. Meat and large vegetable cutting, mincing and chopping

Bunka Knife
Versatile, light and precise. Slicing, dicing and chopping, especially fish, medium vegetables, large fruits

carving Knife
Fine slicing for meat and fish (sashml/sushi)

Bread Knife
Pastry backings, such as cakes, breads,toast slices. Can be used for frozen food

Deba Knife
Specialty Knife. Single bevel blade. Rough processing of whole fish, bone and separation.

Bone chopper
Specialty Knife. Food with bone processing

Specialty Knife. Cutting, mincing and dicing large vegetables and fruit

Cheese Knife
Cheese cutting and peeling

Frozen Food Knife
Frozen meat, vegetables, and braed

Granton Carving Knife
Meat, large fruit, vegetable and cake slicing

Ham Knife
Specialty knife . Flexible boning filleting and skinning ham and salmon slicing andmeat trimming

Roast Carving Knide
Roast slicing

Sashimi knife
Specialty Knife. Single bevel blade. Thin raw fish slicing. Avoids food compression upon slicing to preserve fish texture, flavor, and freshness

Sakimaru Knife
Specialty Knife. Single bevel blade. Thin raw fish slicing. Avoids food compression upon slicing to preserve fish texture, flavor, and freshness

Kititsuke Knife
Specialty Knife. Single bevel blade. Thin raw fish slicing. Avoids food compression upon slicing to preserve fish texture, flavor, and freshness

Sharpening Rod
Honing straightens the knife edge. Honing does NOT sharpen Knife edge

Roast Fork
Specialty use. Roast handling